Yesterday after waking up early to watch the Milan San Remo race I
was more than excited to ride my hot new pink bike to work. That
commute, I tell you, broke records. Pedestrians and motorists
alike stood with brief perplexity at the pink blur that flashed
in and out of their space in time.
Arriving early to work and locking up my ride some kid was yelling
out his window "Hey, nice bike!" I said thanks, then he inquired
"What's it's name?" I hadn't thought about that but the name Rosa
came naturally.
Coming from a background of mountain biking and a ton of road riding
on a ten year old cross bike that I'd raced and ridden into a pile of
steal bones, I never put much emphasis on the bike I was riding. The
cross bike offered some fine rides.
My mindset was that simpler was better and if my bike happened
to be heavier I'd just get stronger. So core. Or cheap. Or lazy.
After my first real ride on Rosa today I must say the bike makes a
difference. My dear friends listened to my gushing about the
responsiveness, the caliper breaks, and how I felt like I was climbing
on air, and descending on a pink cloud.
With all the rain we've been having in Portland the sun that's sure to
shine will transform the city into a candyland of cherry blossoms, tulips,
verdant pastures, and Rosa rides through it all.
Bienvenido la primavera.